What is the Difference Between IVF and Surrogacy?

  • In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is an acronym for In Vitro Fertilization, which refers to fertilisation that takes place within a glass tube. IVF is a complex surgery that takes several months to accomplish. It changes depending on the individual’s physical type. It works for a small number of people on the first attempt, and in a small number of cases, it is repeated. The IVF procedure starts with the administration of hormone medication to the female partner. The use of hormone therapy to promote egg production in a woman’s ovary is common. The infertile woman is monitored and treated as needed until mature eggs begin to appear in her ovaries. Eggs are retrieved and combined with male sperms in a laboratory using a simple process. The eggs and sperms will be kept in a separate container in the laboratory until they are needed. The woman’s womb’s inner lining will be prepared for pregnancy while she is undergoing hormonal replacement therapy.
  • In a surrogacy surgery, the infertile couple is able to have a child via a surrogate mother. Because the original mother is unable to birth the child, the surrogate woman carries the child in her womb. Initially, the surrogate mother’s body may be incapable of producing a child, but this may be remedied with the use of appropriate medical procedures and medications. A surrogate mother’s womb is used to carry the eggs, which are subsequently removed from the original mother at the proper time and implanted together with father sperms. Alternatively, if the male partner is unable to reproduce, sperm from an anonymous sperm donor will be utilised to complete the surrogacy process. It is the surrogate mother’s responsibility to bear the baby in her womb and deliver the child to the intended parents. The baby will be genetically related to the parents who gave birth to him or her. The surrogate mother, on the other hand, is in charge of bearing and delivering the child in question.
  • While there are some similarities between IVF and Surrogacy, the most significant distinction is that, while in IVF the egg is fertilised externally, during a surrogacy procedure, the fertilised eggs are placed into the surrogate’s womb and she carries the baby for nine months. Infertility treatments like as IVF and surrogacy are used to bring joy to the faces of infertile couples. There are a number of fertility clinics available, and they can aid you in determining the most suitable treatment for you after assessing your situation. Before making your decision between surrogacy and IVF, consult with your gynaecologist to identify the most appropriate course of action for you. In any case, there is nothing wrong with it, and you may even confer with your friends and family members to choose which is the best option for you.

IVF Procedure

  • For those unfamiliar with the term, IVF stands for In Vitro Fertilization, which indicates that fertilisation occurs within a glass tube. It takes many months to complete the IVF treatment from start to finish. What sort of physique you have is determined by your genetics. Occasionally, it is successful on the first try, and in a few instances, it is necessary to repeat the process.
  • The IVF technique begins with hormone therapy on the female’s body. It is necessary to employ hormone treatment to encourage the production of eggs in her ovary. The infertile lady is monitored closely and given appropriate medicine until she develops mature eggs on her own own. A simple process is used to retrieve the eggs from the ovaries and mix them with male sperms in a laboratory setting. The eggs and sperms will be stored in a dedicated container in the laboratory. In the meanwhile, hormone replacement treatment will prepare the inner lining of the woman’s womb to withstand the stresses of pregnancy.
  • The “embryo transfer method” will be used to transfer one or two healthy embryos or fertilised eggs to the woman’s fallopian tube after careful supervision. Pregnancy occurs if the surgery is performed correctly and the fallopian tube becomes linked to the embryos during the process. This is a difficult procedure that is also emotionally draining for both spouses.

Surrogacy Procedure


  • Surrogacy is a practise in which an infertile couple pays a surrogate mother to carry their child. Because the original mother is unable to carry the baby in her womb, the surrogate woman bears the baby in her womb on her behalf. Initially, the surrogate mother’s body may be unable to support the weight of a baby in her womb, but this may be overcome with the use of appropriate medicines.
  • Later, the eggs are removed from the original mother at the appropriate time and implanted into the womb of a surrogate with the assistance of father sperms. Alternatively, if the male partner is infertile, the sperms will be obtained from an anonymous sperm donor in order to complete the surrogacy procedure. The surrogate mother bears the kid in her womb and agrees to hand the child over to the biological parents when the baby is born. The infant will be genetically related to the parents who gave birth to him or her. The surrogate mother, on the other hand, is responsible for carrying and delivering the child.
  • Surrogacy is used when a woman’s uterus has been removed as a result of a medical issue she is suffering from. It is also used when a woman has a uterus that is not functioning properly. Surrogacy is also an option for couples who have had repeated miscarriages with their first child. Surrogacy is an emotional journey, and both couples should be emotionally and psychologically prepared for the operation before embarking on this road together.

Basic Difference Between IVF and Surrogacy


  • The most significant distinction between IVF and Surrogacy is that in IVF, the egg is fertilised outside of the body, but in surrogacy, the fertilised eggs are placed into the womb of the surrogate, who then bears the child for nine months after conception. Couples that are unable to conceive are able to have children via IVF and surrogacy operations, respectively.
  • Because there are so many fertility facilities to choose from, they can assist you in selecting the most appropriate therapy by examining your issues. For this reason, before choosing between surrogacy and IVF, talk to your doctor about which option is the best fit for your situation. There is nothing wrong with either technique, and you may even debate your options with your friends and family to choose which is the most appropriate for your situation.

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What is better IVF or surrogacy?

  • IVF is almost always a success rate of 100 percent. Depending on the couple’s situation, three or more rounds of IVF may be necessary. Furthermore, surrogacy does not guarantee success in every instance.. Surrogacy, on the other hand, may improve the odds of having a child by up to 30% in the case of couples older than 30 years.

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  • A test-tube baby is a child who was created by in vitro fertilisation (IVF). IVF is an abbreviation for in vitro fertilisation, where “vitro” refers to glass. Female eggs and sperm are combined in an external glass vessel, and the process of fertilisation takes place outside of the body, rather than inside it. IVF and test-tube infants are exactly the same, with no discernible difference.

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  • Generally speaking, the cost of gestational surrogacy is more expensive than the cost of conventional surrogacy. In large part, this is due to variations in the medical process; IUI is less costly than IVF and tends to entail less medical procedures and fertility treatments than IVF.