It’s natural to question whether there are any preventative measures you may take in order to avoid breast cancer. A person’s familial history, for example, cannot be modified. You may, however, reduce your risk by altering your daily routine.

What can I do to reduce my risk of breast cancer?

Research shows that lifestyle changes can decrease the risk of breast cancer, even in women at high risk. To lower your risk:

  • Limit your intake of alcohol. Breast cancer is more common in women who consume a lot of alcohol. There is a general guideline to restrict oneself to no more than one drink a day, based on studies on the influence of alcohol on breast cancer risk.
  • Maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI). Maintaining a healthy weight is important if your current weight is healthy. Ask your doctor for advice on how to reduce weight in a healthy way. Cut down on your daily calorie intake and gradually increase the quantity of activity you engage in.
  • Be more physically active. Maintaining a healthy weight via regular physical exercise has been shown to reduce your risk of developing breast cancer. For most healthy individuals, 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of strenuous aerobic activity weekly, including at least twice a week of strength training, is the recommended amount of exercise for most adults.
  • Breast-feed. Breastfeeding may have a role in preventing breast cancer, according to some researchers. The more time you breastfeed, the more protective you are.
  • Restrict postmenopausal hormone treatment. Breast cancer risk may be increased by using a combination of hormone therapies. Discuss the risks and advantages of hormone treatment with your doctor. It is possible to control your symptoms using nonhormonal therapy and drugs. Keep your doctor updated on how long you’ve been taking hormones and at what dosage if you decide to go through with short-term hormone treatment.

Can a healthy diet prevent breast cancer?

You may be able to lower your chance of developing certain cancers as well as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke by eating a balanced diet. A Mediterranean diet that includes extra-virgin olive oil and mixed nuts may lower a woman’s chance of developing breast cancer, for example. Foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts are the bulk of the Mediterranean diet. In the Mediterranean diet, olive oil is preferred over butter, and fish is eaten in place of red meat.

The importance of maintaining a healthy weight in breast cancer prevention cannot be overstated.