According to several studies, a low-carb diet can raise the chances of conception by fivefold. High carbohydrate intake, particularly refined carbohydrate intake, has an effect on the body’s metabolic system and can fuel obesity, which can impair fertility. “Couples who are attempting to conceive should pay close attention to their nutrition because there is significant evidence that it affects conception and egg quality.” “Women, in particular, should reduce their carbohydrate intake,” Gupta advised.

This is a very crucial piece of advice for women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Reducing your carbohydrate intake helps you maintain a healthy body weight, increases fat reduction, maintains the regularity of your menstrual cycle, and lowers insulin levels in the body, all of which contribute to increased fertility.

Reduce your intake of rapidly processed carbohydrates while increasing your intake of slower, complex carbohydrates. Bad carbs not only contribute to an increase in fat, but they also create surges in your body’s insulin levels, which have been related to ovulation issues.

This implies limiting your intake of white bread, cakes, cookies, white rice, and other similar foods. Consume more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, wheat, and other such items.

A diet that is primarily high in carbs does not meet the body’s nutritional needs. It’s best to avoid any processed carbohydrates because they cause blood sugar spikes and obesity, making it difficult to conceive. Complex carbohydrates with a high fiber content can be consumed. The portion size, however, is determined by your metabolism and blood sugar levels.