Your chances of having twins increase if you do what? If you’re using fertility medicines like Clomid, Gonal-F, and Follistim, you’re more likely to conceive several babies. The chances of having more than one child in a single pregnancy may also be increased by characteristics such as your height, age, and even your family history.

Causes of Twins Without Treatments

Twins and higher-order pregnancies are not only the result of fertility procedures. Other variables that enhance your odds of having multiples are listed below.


Twins are more likely to be born to women who are above 30. 1 Birthing parents’ levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) increase with age. Fetal Growth Hormone (FSH) plays a key role in ovulation and egg development.

FSH levels rise with age, owing to the fact that mature women’s eggs need more stimulation to mature. As FSH levels rise, follicles may overreact and release more than one egg; this results in multiple pregnancies.

Family History

However, the kids of male identical twins may have a greater chance of having identical twins of their own if their fathers were identical twins. However, your chances of conceiving twins increase if you come from a family with fraternal (non-identical) twins. If both parents or the egg or sperm donor had fraternal twins, your chances of having twins increase even more.


Having twins is more common in women with a BMI above 30 than in those with a lower BMI. Increased oestrogen levels are a common side effect of being overweight or obese, and this may put the ovaries at danger of being overstimulated. The ovaries may instead release two or more eggs during ovulation. Being overweight may raise the chance of having twins, but it might also make it more difficult to become pregnant.


There is a greater chance of having twins if you are taller than the rest of the population. More twins were born to persons who averaged 164.8 cm (about 5’4.8″) in height than those who averaged 161.8 cm (about 5’3.7″) in height. One argument is that improved nutrition (which may lead to an increase in height) is partly responsible for the rise in the number of twins in the population.


Breastfeeding mothers are more likely to have twins than non-breast feeders. When a kid is solely breastfed for the first six months of its life, nursing may have a negative effect on a mother’s fertility and therefore prevent conception, as well.

It’s conceivable, though, to become pregnant while nursing and having two or more children.


People who consume a lot of dairy products are more likely to have twins, according to some studies. Human hormone levels may be affected by cow growth hormones, according to one idea.

Other Factors

People who have had several pregnancies and big families are more likely to have twins. When it comes to having twins, Black people have a higher rate than White people, while Asian people have the lowest rate of having twins.