Stretch marks in pregnancy


Stretch marks in pregnancy

The most typical period for women to experience stretch marks is during pregnancy. It is believed that between 50 and 90 percent of pregnant women will suffer from stretch marks. How are pregnant stretch marks different from those of other people? Maybe. Pregnancy hormones may increase your risk of developing stretch marks, according to some doctors. The hormones may cause the skin to become more supple, allowing it to rip more easily when stretched. There’s a lot of room for argument here. Regardless, many pregnant women begin to experience stretch marks around the sixth or seventh month of their pregnancy. In a research published by BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Trusted Source, almost three-quarters of women reported using a product to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. A third of these women reported using two or more products, with Bio-Oil being the most popular. However, 58.5 percent of women who took this oil got stretch marks. Stretch marks may be avoided by gaining weight gently and gradually throughout pregnancy. If you’re concerned about gaining too much weight while pregnant, you may work with your doctor to devise a diet and activity plan that will keep you and your baby healthy and happy. The good news is that if you do have stretch marks during pregnancy, they will ultimately vanish. Eventually, the red or pink tint will fade to a faint silver or white hue.

  1. Control your weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the best ways to avoid stretch marks, regardless of whether or not you’re pregnant. The fast weight growth that occurs when a person gains weight may cause the skin to tear, resulting in stretch marks. After a quick weight reduction, you may experience stretch marks. During growth spurts, such as puberty, some individuals see stretch marks on their bodies. Bodybuilders, for example, become aware of them after making significant increases via exercise or the use of anabolic drugs. Your best chance may be to try to slow down the rate at which your body transforms. To keep your weight under control, stick to a nutritious diet and get enough of exercise. If you experience sudden weight gain or loss, you should see your physician to determine the cause.

  1. Stay hydrated

It may be possible to keep your skin moisturised and soft by drinking enough of water. Stretch marks appear less often on soft skin than on dry skin. Men should drink 104 ounces of water each day, while women should drink 72 ounces. This is the current guideline from the Institute of Medicine. There is some evidence to suggest that drinking caffeinated drinks, including as coffee, might increase your chance of acquiring stretch marks. Coffee drinkers should drink lots of water, herbal tea, and other caffeine-free beverages in order to maintain a healthy fluid balance.


  1. Eat a nutrient-rich diet

In certain cases, a lack of nutrients might lead to stretch marks. Dietary supplements that promote healthy skin may be beneficial. Make sure you’re getting enough of the following nutrients in your diet:

  • vitamin C
  • vitamin D
  • vitamin E
  • zinc
  • protein

Selecting meals of varying hues is one approach to ensure that you’re receiving an adequate supply of nutrients. As an example, a breakfast consisting of eggs, whole wheat bread, and a variety of fruits and vegetables is both visually appealing and nutritious.

  1. Include vitamin C in your diet

In order to maintain the elasticity and firmness of your skin, you’ll need enough of collagen. Stretch marks may be prevented with the use of this product, but wrinkles may also be reduced. Collagen is a protein that is essential for the health of the skin. Many fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C. Among the best fruits to eat for vitamin C intake are oranges and lemons.

  1. Soak up some vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of developing stretch marks, according to one research. Keeping your vitamin D levels up may help prevent stretch marks, but further study is required. Exposure to the sun is the simplest method of obtaining vitamin D. Bread, cereal, and dairy products, such as milk and yoghurt, are all popular sources of the vitamin.

  1. Eat foods rich in zinc

Zinc is a vital vitamin for maintaining healthy skin. It aids in the healing of wounds by reducing inflammation. There is no conclusive evidence linking zinc to stretch marks, but zinc-rich foods like nuts and fish may help maintain your skin in good condition.