The 2 main parts of yoga: Asanas and Pranayama


Yogasana and Pranayama have a special place, which maintain physical, intellectual and mental balance. Asanas are performed in many postures. Asanas performed in any posture are helpful in smoothing the blood flow in the body, increasing immunity and removing diseases. There are various postures, such as standing (Tadasana, Kati Chakra Asana, Konasana, Ashwatha Asana), sitting (Vajra Asana, Gomukha Asana, Kag Asana, Singhasana, Brahmacharya Asana, Vikata Asana, Vakrasana), lying on the stomach (boat posture, bow posture, Shalabh posture, Bhujang posture), lying straight (Sarvangasana, Halasana, Chakrasana, Pawanmuktasana) should be done regularly 4-5 asanas in each posture and after that Brahmi Pranayama, Nadi Shodhana or Anulom- Vilom Pranayama and meditation of the Lord, you can be saved from many diseases.

▪️Yoga keeps us healthy by removing stress :-

Through yoga, complete health i.e. health of body, mind and soul can be attained. Generally the root of all diseases is stress. This is due to our senses- 5 sense organs (ears, nose, eyes, skin, tongue) and 5 karmic senses (hands, feet, mouth, anus, genitals). When we are under stress due to work or others, hormones are released from the endocrine glands of our body, which mix with blood and cause physical and mental problems. Yoga teaches to live in a simple life, high thinking, equanimity, so that the mind does not get entangled in anything unnecessarily or when it gets entangled, it also finds a solution in a peaceful manner and keeps stress away. It teaches to live a humble and uncompromising life, so that problems can be got rid of.

▪️These light asanas increase immunity :-

To avoid corona infection, light asanas should be done regularly, such as Anulom Vilom Pranayama, Jalneeti, Bhujang Asana, Shashankasana, Makarasana, Gomukhasana, Pawanmuktasana, Om pronunciation- Bhujang Asana, Pranayama. The toxins present in the blood come out and helps in smooth flow of blood in the body. Muscles are activated in various parts of the body, and hence immunity develops. Meditation gives freedom to the mind or thoughts and brings strong self-confidence, which reduces the fear of corona. If possible, do asanas in the open air in the morning in the presence of nature.