The five steps to wash hands and be safe


Stay safe and stay healthy is the norm now a days since Corona has invaded India. We hear even a small child saying these norms and learning about social distancing and washing hands and maintaining hyigein.As everyday WHO and MoHFW is setting up guidelines frequently for our safety.

To be safe from Covid-19 infection it is very important to keep our hands clean and hygienic every time.

The major source of contamination as predicted to be getting affected by Covid-19 is hand.

On the basis of WHO, UNICEF and Government guideline, everyday the healthcare workers are always requesting and guiding the public to wash their hands frequently everytime they touch anything or after an interval of some period of time.
Using sanitizer is the best option and using soap or hand wash has also been included as an effective way to prevent the contamination.

But, the point of concern is that there is a way to wash your hands by soap or handwash, focusing on the steps and ways for hand washing can only be effective and beneficial to prevent the contamination and keeping us says from Covid-19 by hand.
The five steps to wash our hands properly and protecting ourselves from being infected are:-

Step 1) Handwash in running water:-

Always wash your hands in running water.In stored water there must be some bacteria or virus contaminating the water. We should also keep in mind while washing our hands running water that the tap we are using for hand wash its source(tanker) should also be clean. Even the dirty or polluted tanker can also be harmful even if it is supplying running water.

Step 2) Use of proper soap or handwash:-

Washing of hands using soap or handwash should also be done in a proper manner. First of all we should always use a good quality of soap or handwash. We should apply a good and proper amount of the handwash. Using just a little amount or negligible amount of handwash while washing our hands cannot be sufficient to kill or eliminate the virus.

Step 3) Rub your hands for atleast 20 seconds:-

After applying handwash we should rub hands atleast for 20 seconds. During this procedure, rub at the back of palm, between the fingers and inside the nails with handwash.

Step 4) Apply handwash in every part of hand:-

After applying at every part of hand and rubbing it properly again wash your hands properly with running water and wash your hands under running water until your hand is completely free of soap or handwash. Washing of hands properly is very important.

Step 5) Clean cloth should be used:-

After washing hands with soap, wipe your hands with a clean cloth or towel.
Wiping with dirty towel or cloth can’t be helpful because wiping with them can again lead to deposition of harmful bacteria and viruses on hands and again you will be in contact with the germs.