How should you take care of your ears and your hearing health?


Do not use a cotton bud for cleaning

Ears are self cleaning organs; the wax present inside the ears filters the dust and the other harmful agents from entering your ear. A cotton bud can often damage your ear drum if not used with utmost care.

The right way to clean is with a damp cloth or a cotton cloth. On the advice of your doctor you can use wax solution and the wax would melt and come out by itself.

If you have excess wax, it’s always better to seek professional help.

Moderated the volume levels around you

Noise induced hearing loss is becoming a common scenario. There is a huge amount of noise pollution. Some professions expose you to high noise levels, so if you cannot turn the volume down, wear ear buds to protect your ears from the damage.

Give yourself some rest and let your ears recover if you have exposed yourself to loud noises for a long time.

Avoid excessive use of audio devices

The new age ear buds and ear pods are damaging your ears. Longer usage can often lead to permanent hearing loss. Follow the 60 by 60 rule. At 60 percent volume of the device, use it for not more than 60minutes a day.

Since the ear buds fit very closely to your eardrums, it’s always better to use headphones.

Keep your ears dry

It’s very important to dry your ears well after taking a bath. The wet area can harbour various bacteria and fungi and can cause infections in future. If you swim regularly, it’s advisable to wear ear buds to protect your ears.

Regular check ups

You should visit your doctor once a year to get a check up done. The hearing loss is a gradual phenomenon and should be monitored by health care professionals.

Keep your stress levels down

Stress and anxiety can cause permanent or temporary hearing loss. So keep your stress levels in check .

How would I know if I have hearing loss?

You require higher volume levels of any audio device than everybody else in the room

You often have difficulty hearing a conversation

People around you have to often repeat what they say

Taking care of your ears is very important. These tips would help you keep your ear health in complete control. In case you need some help, visit your doctor for more information.