Factors reducing risk of Pneumonia


Healthy eating will reduce the risk. Pneumonia infection is mostly seen in children and elderly people due to weak immunity. By including some important things in the food, you can reduce its risk.


  • Whole grains –

Quinoa, brown rice, the carbohydrate present in them gives energy to the body. The selenium present in these strengthens the immune system.


  • Increase protein intake –

A diet rich in protein is beneficial for people suffering from pneumonia. Nuts, seeds, beans, white meat and fish such as salmon and sardines etc has anti-inflammatory properties, repairs cells damaged by pneumonia and also helps in making new cells faster.


  • Liquid intake is necessary –

Pneumonia patients should take plenty of fluids. Drinking water, fruit juices etc. loosens the mucus from the lungs, as well as the substances that cause obstruction in the respiratory tract also come out.


  • Take Citrus fruits –

Citrus fruits such as orange, black plum, kiwi, lemon etc. are rich in vitamin C, besides strengthening the immune system, they help in faster recovery from Pneumonia. Along with this, give green vegetables also a place in the diet.


  • Turmeric Will Relieve Infections –

Turmeric helps in removing mucus and bile from the bronchial ducts as it contains anti-inflammatory properties. It also reduces chest pain.