Breathing techniques to control BP


Things like anxiety, stress, excessive exercise, alcohol consumption increase the blood pressure level rapidly. It is very difficult to manage high BP i.e. hypertension. It also increases the risk of stroke, heart attack and even death. Medicines, home remedies, exercises, etc. are some reliable ways to prevent any such untoward happening. Of these, medicines and home remedies have their place, but by doing some breathing exercises, one can get rid of the problem of high BP to a great extent.

▪️The techniques:-

1) Anulom-Vilom :-

It is a controlled breathing technique, which focuses on the duration of holding the breath through both the nostrils. It is very easy to do this. Sit comfortably with a cross in a quiet and clean place and close both your eyes and let the muscles relax. Now close your left nostril with the help of the middle finger and take a long breath slowly through the right nostril. Hold it for a few seconds, so that fresh air can reach your lungs and relax it. Then slowly release the breath and repeat the same action again with the left side nostril. After repeating this 5-10 times your blood pressure will be completely normal.

2) 30 second breathing exercise :-

Blood pressure level is also controlled by taking deep breaths for just 30 seconds. Studies have shown that by taking six deep breaths within 30 seconds, there is a decrease in systolic BP, if you are not sure, then try it. First of all, sit comfortably in a quiet place. Keep your spine straight, relax with your eyes closed. Take six deep breaths within 30 seconds. Repeat this whole process two to four times as needed. This will control the blood pressure.

3) Diaphragmatic breathing :-

This breathing exercise helps in strengthening your diaphragm ie ribs. It tightens the abdominal muscles and ribs. Practicing it daily helps in stabilizing the blood pressure and heartbeat. For this, first lie down on a flat surface with a pillow under your knees and head and relax yourself. During this, keep one hand above the navel and the other on the chest. Inhale through your nose for two seconds. Slowly exhale through your mouth while pulling your abdominal muscles inwards. By repeating this exercise 10 times a day, there is a substantial reduction in BP.

Description : Please consult your doctor before starting any of these breathing exercises.