Diet follow-up to stay fit even at the age of 50


After the age of 40 to 50, the body of women starts becoming weak, when metabolism slows down due to menopause. At this age it is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. In such a situation, they need to take special care of their health. For this they can make some major diets a part of their diet. Some of them are :-

👉 Mediterranean diet –

The Mediterranean diet includes fish, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and olive oil. Dairy products are consumed in moderation and meat is included in the diet once a week. One-third of the diet is fat, with saturated fat not exceeding eight percent of the total caloric intake, making the Mediterranean diet better for combating various health problems in old age and keeping weight in check. This diet not only prolongs life, but also reduces the risk of type-2 diabetes and heart diseases.

👉 Vegan diet –

A diet based on plant-derived foods is called a vegan diet. It is becoming very popular these days in western countries. It does not contain any animal products. According to studies, adopting a vegan diet reduces the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer. However, this diet also has its only downside. It can be deficient in many nutrients like vitamin B12, vitamin D iodine, iron, calcium, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids.