Root Canal treatment


This is a procedure to save a badly decayed or a damaged tooth. Till sometime back whenever a patient-reported with such a condition, the teeth were extracted, but now with the new technology and advance in dentistry, the teeth can be saved and they can be restored back to function.

What actually is a Root canal procedure?

The human tooth has three layers. The uppermost layer is called Enamel. The middle layer is called the dentin. The innermost layer is called the pulp. The pulp is a vascular tissue and has a blood supply. The infection usually starts from the enamelĀ and it usually without any symptoms at this stage. Whenever the infection reaches the dentin, the patient starts experiencing sensitivity to cold and hot. Finally, if this is left untreated, the infection reaches the pulp and infects it. When a patient comes in this stage, requires a root canal procedure, wherein the pulp canals are thoroughly cleaned.

When would you require a root canal procedure?

  • A fractured or a broken tooth
  • Sharp shooting pain specially during night
  • Swelling or pus around the tooth
  • A badly decayed tooth
  • Pain or sensitivity while eating hot or cold food

What is the procedure of the Root canal?

Investigations: Your dentist would carry out the required radiographic and clinical investigation to device a treatment plan.

Infection removal: Whenever the patient comes with pain, this is a sign of infection of the innermost layer of the tooth. The innermost layer of the tooth is called a pulp. To cure the tooth, the infected tissue is removed and various medications are used to carry out this procedure.

Tooth filling: The canals are filled back after the infection removal.

Crown or cap: Once the tooth is filled, the dentist would give a crown or cap over the tooth to make it completely functional.

This procedure gets done in a week or ten days. With the help of the latest aesthetic techniques, the procedure is made pain-free. So if you are experiencing any pain in your tooth, visit your dentist soon.