✅ Asthma is a disease affecting the respiratory tracts. The airways from the lungs carry air in and out. In asthma, there is inflammation in the inner wall of these tubes. During the period, the suffering of asthma increases usually when exposed to dust and smoke or weather changes. Nowadays this disease has become very common. If any of the parents has asthma, then the children will have this disease.There are apprehensions. Air pollution is also one of the important causes of asthma attack. Problems are exacerbated by scented things like smoking, dust, factory smoke, incense sticks and cosmetics. It cannot be treated, but its symptoms can be controlled. Over time the condition of this disease also varies, so the patient of asthma should be in constant contact with the doctor, so that the symptoms of asthma that change over time can be identified.
✅ Symptoms of asthma :-
⚫Shortness of breath
⚫Constant coughing,
⚫ Chest palpitations or whistling sound while taking breath,
⚫ Breathlessness with storage of cough in chest,
⚫Sudden difficulty in breathing,
⚫Asthma patients feel more difficulty especially at night when sleeping.
⚫In some individuals, the symptoms of asthma during exercise are more visible and in cold or dry air these symptoms become more severe.
✅Follow these measures to save yourself from attacks :-
⚫Asthma patients should avoid dust storm more than rain and cold.
⚫Avoiding hot and humid environments, as the possibility of mold spores spreading in such environments increases.
⚫Keep masks with you when you get out of the house. This will help in avoiding pollution. Stay away from people who smoke. Make the house dust free.
⚫Always keep medicines with you, especially inhalers or other things that have been told by the doctor.
⚫Catering to asthma patients should be healthy. Eat green leafy vegetables.