How to plan a baby after marriage?

When should I plan to have a baby after marriage?


After marriage, how much should you wait to have a child?

For many women today, motherhood is a responsibility that they are apprehensive about and so they put it on hold until such time as they feel “ready.” As a matter of fact, it is not just about moms, but also about dads. Couples, especially those living in metropolitan areas, are delaying childbearing for several years after they are married. That’s because they believe it is essential to be prepared in every way possible before adding a member to their family, whether that’s emotionally, mentally, financially, or materially. In addition, motherhood often requires you to create room in your life by suffocating other aspects of your life, such as your profession. As a result, making a decision becomes more difficult. But, in terms of your health, is there a recommended time frame for having children? Should you re-evaluate your choice to have children immediately or after five years of consideration? In this section, we will discuss how long you should wait to have children after marriage in order to ensure the health of both you and your kid.

If you marry before 20
A lady should wait until she is at least 20 years old before having a child. Globally, according to the World Health Organization, complications during pregnancy and delivery rank second on the list of leading causes of mortality among 15-19-year-old females. In fact, if a first-time mother is younger than 20 years of age, her child has a very high chance of dying from complications during pregnancy. Additionally, from a professional standpoint, it may be too soon to add a new member to the family, since the majority of individuals are trying to make ends meet during these years. Due to legal restrictions, males are not permitted to marry before the age of twenty, therefore their health is not an issue. Having a kid before the age of 20 is not only inappropriate emotionally and mentally, but it is also inappropriate since parenting requires more mature care.

If you marry between 20 and 25 years
You are eligible to have a child as soon as you are married. This is the best time of year to try to conceive. In certain years, the quality of the mother’s eggs is very high. In addition, the man’s sperms are quite fresh and are ideal for conceiving since they are so young. But when one considers the mental and financial toll that pregnancy may have on a person, the later in life she chooses to get pregnant, the more ready she is to cope with the situation.

If you marry between 25 and 30 years
You must have a child as soon as you are married, and you should not put off having a child for too long. A large number of couples believe that now is the optimum time to have a family. In fact, most millennial couples prefer to have a child within this time period, if not in their early thirties. However, in terms of health, a woman’s fertility begins to wane, and her odds of becoming pregnant decline by a fourth within a year after being pregnant. The way a guy lives has a significant impact on the quality of his sperm production. In the case of heavy drinkers, smokers, and those with medical conditions, the quality of his sperm might deteriorate with time. As a result, if a couple plans to marry within this time range, they should try to conceive as soon as feasible.

If you marry between 30 and 35 years
You must have a child as soon as you are married and should not put off having a child for any reason, since the odds of becoming pregnant for the woman decrease considerably. Make certain, however, that both you and your spouse are physically fit and healthy enough to be parents. The chances of your sperms being unfit and aberrant increase dramatically if you father at this age. According to research, your infant may be at a higher risk for a variety of disorders, including autism, as a result of this.

If you marry between 35 and 40 years
You must have a child quickly, but only after you and your spouse have been examined to see whether or not you are in good enough health to have a healthy child. You must make a judgement based on thorough research. By this age, your child’s chances of acquiring disorders such as Down syndrome and autism have significantly increased. In addition, the lady may have a miscarriage since the possibilities of this happening are quite high.

If you marry between 40 and 45
The difficulties for both the mother and the kid multiply by a factor of ten. The likelihood of a kid suffering chromosomal abnormalities increases to as high as one in every 19 mothers. It becomes more harder for women to give birth to a child by a traditional delivery method. Because of the defective sperms, the kid has a high risk of developing autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

If you marry after 45
If you got married beyond 45 and are thinking about starting a family, you should rethink your decision! For starters, a woman’s odds of conceiving a healthy kid from her own egg are reduced to one percent! Obstetrical complications such as gestational diabetes and hypertension grow by a factor of 10 or more for the woman throughout her pregnancy. Furthermore, since the sperms become increasingly weaker and more aberrant, the child’s chance of developing ADHD increases by a factor of 13! Aside from autism, it is also at risk for breast cancer (if the child is a female) and dwarfism, among other things.

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When should I plan for baby after marriage?
If you are under 30 years old and have no other medical conditions, the general rule of thumb is to wait one year. If you are over 35 years old and have any other medical conditions, such as PCOD, irregular periods, or any other risk factor, such as a previous surgery, the rule of thumb is to wait only six months.

How can I get pregnant soon after marriage?
Every other night around the time of ovulation, according to Goldfarb, “helps boost your chances of becoming pregnant in general.” When within your body, sperm may survive for up to 5 days. The most effective recommendation is to have sex on a regular basis, both while you’re ovulating and when you’re not.

Which age is perfect for pregnancy?
According to experts, the optimal period to get pregnant is between your late twenties and early thirties. This age range has been shown to be related with the greatest results for both you and your child. According to one research, the optimal age to give birth to a first kid is 30.5 years old.

What is a honeymoon baby?
The term “babymoon,” which is a combination of the word “baby” and the suffix “-moon” in the word “honeymoon,” was coined in the early 1990s to refer to a period of time for parents to spend alone with their new kid shortly after the birth of the child.