Planning to get pregnant soon? Here a few questions you should ask your doctor


How soon can you get pregnant?

The time to get pregnant is different for everyone. So you should ask your doctor questions like

  1. Favourable time of the menstrual cycle to conceive.
  2. How to manage irregular periods if any
  3. How long should you try to conceive naturally
  4. How frequently should you have intercourse to increase the chances of conception?

Questions about health and medications

  1. When should the birth control pills be stopped before trying to get pregnant?
  2. Should you undergo any tests before?
  3. How any medication that you take can affect your chances of getting pregnant?
  4. If you any history of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, how should you proceed now?
  5. Should you take any supplements to get pregnant?

Lifestyle changes

  1. If you are overweight or underweight, should you make changes with that?
  2. If you consume alcohol or smoke, how can that affect your chances of getting pregnant?
  3. What diet should you take?
  4. How should you exercise and for how much time?
  5. How should you reduce stress in your life to enhance the chances of pregnancy?

Genetic counselling

  1. If any disease runs in the family, the chances of the baby inheriting it?
  2. What tests should be done?

Questions about your partner

  1. Should your partner make any lifestyle changes?
  2. If you have been trying to get pregnant without any success ,should your partner undergo some tests too ?