Precautions for Eyes in winter season

  • Do not sit in front of the blower for a long time in the cold, eyes get dry –

In rising cold, people get in habit by putting more use of room heater and blower. Due to this the eyes become dry and there is a problem of watery discharge. Apart from this, avoid pollution and allergies as well, due to which the eyes do not go dry and leads to water eyes. There may also be a problem of itching and burning.



  • Premature baby eye checkup –

If you have a pre-mature baby, then definitely get the eyes checked. It is adviced by the doctors that there are some people who are not as alert as is necessary regarding the safety of the eyes of the children born. It is necessary to take care of the eyes of children only after birth. Particular attention should be paid to those children who are born prematurely or their weight is only 2.5 kg after birth. Such children should be immediately shown to the ophthalmologist doctor and routine check-up should be done from time to time. Premature and underweight children are more prone to color blindness.


  • Wear glasses when leaving the house –

The doctors say that it is very important to check the eyes between three years, three to five and five to eight years from the birth of children. Sugar and blood pressure patients should also get regular check up done. If not treated on time, the problem in the eyes of children increases. Especially the problem of having diabetic retinopathy becomes more. It is adviced that the people who work outside and have travelling works only must use goggles, helmets etc. to protect their eyes when they leave the house.