What are the foods that help increase the platelet count naturally


With the country reporting high cases of dengue this season, people are worried about a common problem associated with dengue. A reduced platelet count is a common complication of the disease. Here are some foods that are known to increase the platelet count in the body naturally.

  • Papaya leaves: These are efficient platelet boosters. You can wither boil the leaves ad have juice or get papaya leaf extract and consume two spoons daily. Papaya leaves have acetogenin that can help to increase the platelet count significantly.
  • Pomegranate: this fruit is rich in iron and iron is an essential mineral for platelet formation. This fruits is also good to increase the immunity.
  • Pumpkin: Pumpkin has high vitamin A and can enhance platelet formation.
  • Fenugreek seeds: You can make fenugreek water by either boiling or soaking the seeds overnight.
  • Spinach: Besides being an immunity booster, spinach has vitamin k that helps in blood clotting. Other green vegetables that can help are cabbage and broccoli etc.
  • Wheatgrass : This juice has various benefits for the body. This also helps to increase the platelet count naturally.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids: Foods as fish, flax seeds, walnut etc can help tremendously to increase the platelet count.
  • Fresh fruits: Fresh fruits like oranges, kiwi help to increase the platelet count.