How to protect your children from viral infection


The changing weather conditions have seen a spike in viral infection amongst children. Children are often at a higher risk of infections due to low immunity. Here are a few ways in which you can keep your children healthy and safe:

  • Help them build immunity

Children should be taught about the concept of healthy eating. They should be taught about balanced diet and parents should make sure that kids eat healthy. When the diet is taken care of, children develop good immunity.
Fresh fruits and vegetables should be included more often in the diet.

  • Take care of their vaccination

Kids should be vaccinated according to their vaccine schedule. The booster doses should be taken on time so that kids are protected against infections.

  • Keep them away from anyone who has been infected

Viral infections spread very fast, so whenever anyone in family or their group gets an infection, try to keep children away from them.

  • Frequent hand washing

Teach your children to wash their hands after their playtimes and before meals. Covering nose and mouth during sneezes and coughs could keep the spread low.

  • Cover them well

Cover them well during changing season, so that they are not exposed to changing weather conditions adversely.

  • Consult a doctor

Whenever you feel that your child develops any symptoms of a viral infection, consult your doctor soon before it flares up.